Contoh Soal Congratulation, Hope, and Wish beserta Jawabannya SMP Kelas 9 您所在的位置:网站首页 thats sounds great Contoh Soal Congratulation, Hope, and Wish beserta Jawabannya SMP Kelas 9

Contoh Soal Congratulation, Hope, and Wish beserta Jawabannya SMP Kelas 9

#Contoh Soal Congratulation, Hope, and Wish beserta Jawabannya SMP Kelas 9| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Contoh Soal Congratulation, Hope, and Wish beserta Jawabannya SMP Kelas 9 – Congratulation, hope, dan wish sangat sering ditemui dalam bahasa lisan maupun tulisan.

Jadi, buat kamu yang ingin menambah skill berbahasa Inggris atau ingin mendapatkan nilai bagus pada materi yang satu ini, jangan lewatkan pembahasan dan soal-soal congratulation hope and wish berikut.

Berlatih menggunakan contoh soal congratulation, hope, and wish sangat berguna untuk membantu mengukur kemampuan kamu dalam memahami ketiga ungkapan ini.

Apa itu Congratulation, Hope, and Wish?

Daftar Isi

Apa itu Congratulation, Hope, and Wish?Contoh Soal Congratulation, Hope, and Wish beserta JawabannyaPenutup

Daftar Isi

Apa itu Congratulation, Hope, and Wish? Contoh Soal Congratulation, Hope, and Wish beserta Jawabannya Penutup Canva Pro/pixelshot

Sebelum beranjak ke contoh soal congratulation, hope, and wish, kamu perlu memahami pengertian dari ketiga ungkapan tersebut.

Congratulation adalah ungkapan selamat yang ditujukan kepada seseorang atas pencapaian atau kebahagiaan yang didapatkan.

Misalnya seseorang mendapatkan pekerjaan, naik jabatan, diterima di universitas favorit, dan lain sebagainya.

Simak contoh soal wish hope and congratulation berikut:

Congratulations on your achievement! Congratulations, pal! I鈥檓 so proud of you! I鈥檓 happy for you, congratulations and good luck!

Dari ketiga contoh kalimat congratulations di atas, bisa dipahami bahwa ungkapan ini menunjukkan apresiasi terhadap kebahagiaan seseorang.

Kamu cukup menggunakan kata congratulations atau bisa juga menambahkan kata lain seperti good luck atau i鈥檓 happy for you.

Sedangkan hope dan wish adalah ungkapan harapan dan keinginan yang ditujukan kepada orang lain.

Biasanya ungkapan ini juga berisi doa-doa kebaikan. Terkadang ungkapan congratulation dilanjutkan dengan pernyataan hope dan wish.

Sebelum beranjak ke contoh soal congratulation, hope, and wish, pahami dulu contoh ucapan hope dan wish berikut.

I hope you鈥檒l get the scholarship! I wish you all the best! I hope they win the competition.

Ketiga contoh kalimat di atas menunjukkan harapan dan doa yang diberikan kepada orang lain menggunakan kata hope dan wish.

Setelah memahami maknanya, kamu bisa mulai menyimak contoh soal congratulation hope and wish kelas 9 di bawah ini.

Baca Juga :

Contoh Dialog Expression of Congratulation Bahasa Inggris Beserta Artinya Lengkap

Contoh Soal Congratulation, Hope, and Wish beserta Jawabannya

Setelah memahami pengertian dan contoh kalimat ucapan selamat dan harapan, kini saatnya untuk menguji kemampuan kamu melalui contoh soal.

Perhatikan soal pilihan ganda congratulation hope and wish beserta kunci jawabannya berikut ini.

Soal 1

Situation: Dina heard that Chanda won the first prize in the national skating competition this year. Dina wants to congratulate Chandra.

What should Dina say to Chandra?

a. I鈥檓 sorry to hear that.b. Congratulations, Chandra. I鈥檓 happy for you.c. Congratulations. Who helped you win?d. Good luck, Chandra.

Answer: B

Soal 2

Denny: My mom told me that you finally got a scholarship to Australia. Congratulations and good luck!

Tommy: Thanks. That鈥檚 a very kind of you.

Denny: Don鈥檛 mention it. I hope _________.

The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is ….

a. We can stay in touch although we鈥檙e apart.b. You don鈥檛 get it.c. You don鈥檛 go.d. I can be here forever.

Answer: A

Soal 3

George: Happy wedding. I wish you a lifetime of happiness.

John: Thank you. You are my best friend.

Why does John say thank you?

a. Because it is his wedding day.b. Because he is George鈥檚 best friend.c. Because George congratulates and wishes happiness for him.d. Because George forgets to congratulate him.

Answer: C

Soal 4

Situation: Tiara got promotion in her office because she has been the best employee for 5 months in a row. As a good friend, Sammy wants to congratulate her.

What is the right expression?

a. Congratulations on your success. I鈥檓 so excited to hear that.b. Can you do it better?c. How can you do that?d. Remember me on top!

Answer: A

Soal 5

Sam: Did you know that I just opened a new business in New Castle?

Timmy: No, I didn鈥檛. That sounds great. Congratulations on your new business.

Sam: Thank you. Any wishes for me?

Timmy: Of course. I _________

To complete the dialogue, the suitable expression is ….

a. I am happy for you.b. I hope your business can be larger and larger.c. I wish I can have the same business.d. No, thank you.

Answer: B

Baca Juga :

Contoh Greeting Card untuk Guru, Ibu, Bahasa Inggris dan Terjemahannya

Soal 6

Mark: I saw your hard work and I think you deserve it more than anyone. Many congratulations on your achievement. I cannot find a word to describe my happiness for you.

Shawn: _______. It means so much for me.

What is the right expression to complete the dialogue?

a. Never mind.b. I鈥檓 sorry to hear that.c. Thanks a lot.d. Good luck.

Answer: C

Soal 7

The following sentences can be used to express congratulations, except ….

a. Well done! I am so delighted to congratulate you!b. Please accept our warmest congratulation on your incredible success.c. I will not congratulate you because I know you don鈥檛 deserve it.d. My sincere congratulations go out to you.

Answer: C

Soal 8

Shania: I just knew that your project is nominated as the best project of the year.

________ You have worked so hard.

Stephen: I can鈥檛 find a word to thank you. You have been one of my support systems.

The correct expression to complete the dialogue is ….

a. Thanks a lot.b. Congratulations on your wedding.c. Should I congratulate you?d. Congratulations on your well-deserved success!

Answer: D

Soal 9

You can use the following expressions to utter your hope, except ….

a. I am going to continue my career in Malaysia soon.b. We hope you enjoy this phase of life.c. Let us hope for the best.d. She hopes to meet her favorite artist in the airport.

Answer: A

Soal 10

Andy: Congratulations on your new baby. ____________

Terry: Thank you so much. You have been very nice to us.

The correct wishing expression to complete the dialogue is ……

a. I wish I also had one.b. I wish you happiness in the world.c. Do you want to make a wish?d. I have no wishes to say.

Answer: B

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35 Contoh Kalimat Ucapan Selamat dalam Bahasa Inggris Singkat beserta Artinya


Dengan mempelajari contoh soal tentang congratulation hope and wish di atas, kamu bisa mengasah kemampuan dalam memahami dan menggunakan ungkapan selamat dan harapan dalam bahasa Inggris.

Alhasil kamu bisa mendapatkan nilai yang baik dalam materi ini.

Congratulation, hope, dan wish sangat sering dijumpai dalam percakapan maupun tulisan.

Setelah mencoba contoh soal congratulation, hope, and wish beserta kunci jawabannya, tentunya kamu tidak lagi bingung untuk mengaplikasikan ekspresi tersebut di dunia nyata.

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